
Prime evil soul project diablo 2
Prime evil soul project diablo 2

prime evil soul project diablo 2

The witch, Adria, is an anomaly here in Tristram. Why don't that old crone do something for a change? Sure, sure, she's got stuff, but you listen to me - she's unnatural! She doesn't eat or drink, and you can't trust somebody that desn't drink at least a little.

prime evil soul project diablo 2

If anyone can elaborate on what is going on in regards to Adria and the Black Soulstone I would like to hear it. I hope that a future expansion will explain all of this for us, unless someone here has the answers. Perhaps Aiden (Diablo) bestowed her with the demonic powers that would be necessary for her to accomplish this task before he left Tristram to travel east. I also don't understand how the souls of Andariel and Duriel were captured.Īnyways, I imagine that Adria must be considerably powerful to have been able to mark the souls of the Lords of the Burning Hells. I thought that the souls of the Prime Evils were trapped in the abyss since the events of Diablo II.

prime evil soul project diablo 2

The narrative was very vague in its explanation of these events and I've been confused for some time. Regarding Adria, the Black Soulstone, and how she supposedly traveled abroad and 'marked' the souls of the Lords of the Burning Hells for capture within it.

Prime evil soul project diablo 2